Poesie zwischendurch





Meine Falterflügel

flechte ich

zwischen die Asternblätter,

dort, wo Verharren meine zweite


Haut wird.


Streift manchmal

der Kater



Er nur weiß

um das Pulsieren

meiner Gedanken.


Filzschale mit Schmetterlingsmotiv.

Verlinkt mit Creadienstag.

Rainy wednesday




This is what it looks like out of my bedroom window today. I´m sick and staying at home from my dayjob. I feel very calm hearing the rain against the pane. I slept and read a bit in this book, which I always do when feeling not so well.




Probably I will do a little work with my hands later. I want to do a crocheted yoke out of my madder dyed yarn, which hopefully matches with the fabric you can see in the photo below. The dolls I felted and dyed recently need some clothes (and a wig as well!).









So: Good health to everyone and may spring come along soon!


Frau Wollwesen

Joining Ginny and Yarn Along.